Wednesday 17 June 2009

Merging? Combination? YEAH!!

When we all saw the Project Natal E3 video, I raved about it, but not everyone did. But now they are coming up with something I think alot of you will like. The spokesman for Project Natal said that soon, they will be merging games that use the traditional Xbox360 controller with the Natal system. They said "Say if one day you were playing Call of Duty with the controller and you wanted to throw a grenade? You could use your arms to throw one" Now I know there isn't alot of effort to simply hit the "RB" button on the controller but how cool would it be to use your arms and facial recognition in the cutscenes and gameplay speech and being able to respond simply by speaking. They are also trying to figure out if they can use the Natal system for FPS games. The only problem is because it is 3D movement, you couldn't possibly jog on the spot to simulate movement, you would actually have to move toward the TV until you are practically humping it. Or, to move to the side, you would actually have to move to the side until your wall is a cm from your face. The developers are trying to overcome these problems, and in the mean time they are still perfecting the Natal system itself for the basic games. I really am looking forward to it, beeing able to speak to Gibbon over xbox live and seeing his face in the morning :P lol


  1. OK idea. I still prefer buttons, but at least they realize that you do need a controller. If done well, minimal motion controls could be a good laugh.
    P.S. good comment, Connor is stupid rofl

  2. In other words Xbox 360 Natal won't be coming out until a while. Mostly properly the end of 2010 or even 2011.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Natal should come out this year or next year, but this idea won't be out for w hile longer if at all.

  5. lol at the part about me ":P"
